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with two louis vuitton outlet store uk shredded wheat

1 of Britain"s leading consumer experts reveals shocking truth The www.dinick.co.uk food industry"s biggest con trick is one you"re probably falling for every day of the week.Even worse, the victims are your children. Visit any supermarket and wander down the aisle of breakfast cereals.The message from the packets couldn"t be more encouraging. This one is "the sunshine breakfast".That one is made from "wholesome corn, oats, rice and wheat".Pretty much all are "fortified with vitamins and minerals".The contents of the attractive colourful boxes can form "part of a balanced diet". Health hazard?According to which?Many breakfast products are laden with so much sugar they ought to be sold alongside chocolate biscuits For decades, we have been sold the story That a bowl of cereal is one of the louis vuitton bags mens healthiest things a caring mother Could feed her children every morning. But many cereals hide a horrible Secret:The large amounts of sugar the manufacturers have pumped intothe research group which?Recently investigated the sugar content of 50 breakfast cereals.The results should shock you. Products we are led to believe are healthy are, in fact, laden with so much sugar they ought to be sold alongside chocolate biscuits, said which?, not marketed as a recipe for a healthy life. So how much sugar is in your louis vuitton shop online uk cereal? We asked jacqui lowdon, of the british dietetic association and a specialist in children"s nutrition, for her verdict on leading breakfast cereals.The calculations are for a 40g serving, with and without 125ml skimmed milk.A teaspoon is equivalent to 4.2g sugar. Salt per 100g:1g. Sugar per 100g:29.7g. Verdict:This healthy looking combination of cereal flakes with dates, raisins and apple flakes is high in fibre but it"s also high in sugar, partly because of the dried fruit.However, much of the sugar in the cereal is fructose, or fruit sugar, which in some studies has been shown to provide a longer lasting energy boost.It"s not added during the manufacturing process.Still, it is better to stick to an unsweetened, high fibre cereal such as shredded wheat with fresh fruit. Fat per 100g of cereal:2.2g. Salt per 100g:Trace.It contained the least sugar of the 50 cereals analysed by which?It is also a good source of fibre, with two louis vuitton outlet store uk shredded wheat providing almost a quarter of your daily amount.

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